The Bitteroot Fishing Report – 10/15



The Bitteroot has started to rise again from the rain. More rain on the way this weekend so, get it while its good.The entire river has been fishing well as of last day or two and that includes the lower river in sunny conditions. Mostly a mahogany deal which is nice since it keeps the guesswork to a minimum. You may have to experiment day to day to figure out which mahogany pattern they want the most, but by and large, they’re on the mahoganies. You can always put a baetis dry or nymph dropper off the back if you think they’re switching up pod to pod. The lower river (below Florence) has been less consistent on top but on the days it hasn’t been happening, small black streamers have been VERY effective rain or shine.


HATCHES/Flies: Caddis, BWOs, Tricos, Baetis, PMDs, Hecubas, October caddis, Mahoganies A Review of the Winston Fly Rod For more info on the Winston Nexus Fly Rod