You have some other Options out there.

Steelhead fishing Kingfisher Fly Shop

With the Bitterroot heating up and the lower Clarkfork producing some good fishing, people tend to focus on those spots.  But keep in mind the other fishing we have going on.

The Steelheading over on the South fork of the Clearwater has been excellent.  Scott from the shop just got back from Idaho and it was fishing great!  Beads pegged under and indicator was the ticket

Steelheading South fork of the clearwater
Kingfisher employe Scott Hickey on the Clearwater 3/22

L-Scott-steel-2This time of the year can be great for sight fishing pike on the sloughs of the Bitterroot and Clarkfork.  The summer time vegetation hasn’t started to grow and the fish aren’t moving much.  This makes them much easier to spot and once you spot them you got them.  Just drag a small minnow imitation in front of them and they will pounce on it.


Pike Fishing Missoula

Fly fishing for pike Missoula Montana
Kingfisher Employee Jason Loony on the Bitterroot 3/23